Monday 29 July 2013

Asparagus : lower blood sugar

Asparagus : lower blood sugar


A 20 year after four days of eating in patients with diabetes that is effective  .

One diabetes who inadvertently found, Dragon be cuisine can reduced blood sugar, and informed also suffers from sugar urine of some friends this new found, and together tries to, by a dozen days of try eat and blood test, found results amazing to which one patients for cases, itself has suffer from sugar urine up 20 years of long, long-term drug control and can't ideal, even pills blood sugar also up to more than 300 more, but by 4 days are edible Gracilaria lemaneiformis Hou, blood test report pointed out that blood sugar only left 175

Asparagus was in good health .

Period: focused on 4 ∼ October, other months lessOrigin: mainly in Hualien County, Hualien city, rural areas, Jian Township, saysHow to eat: edible young shoots cooking Horticultural traits: Haito (chayote) about 15 young shoots of the plant stems and vines ∼ 20 per cent part in cool area in the summer production of edible part is longer, usually every 3 days (summer) ∼ 10 days (winter) harvest 1 time, harvest cut off after too long part. Asparagus is a good crop. Their tender part consumption, find delicious, taste better than fruits, which shoots partly shaped like a dragon.

Asparagus does not need to use pesticides to control pests and diseases, can feel at ease eating, and it contains very rich in chlorophyll, fiber is also high, consumption can aid digestion, conducive to good health. Stem and leaf of chayote is tender, asparagus vines shaped like a dragon is named, is an extremely easy to grow, life is very strong, and can survive in the harsh environment of the plant, is one of the few without pesticide cultivation of local vegetables. It is of Hakka cuisine, often sold on the market, is not really edible wild herbs.

Asparagus : lower blood sugar


Asparagus smell fragrant, crisp and delicate taste, quite special.

Asparagus stems and leaves are rich in vitamins a, B1, B2, folic acid and iron, calcium, heat, swelling, and the effect of beauty beauty, especially the Gracilaria lemaneiformis without using pesticides, that prospective mothers can eat green vegetables, folate and iron, contribute to the development of fetal nerve system, production, fit for human consumption. Asparagus taste Gan Han, non-toxic, effect of clearing heat and gas, Lee pee, rich in chlorophyll and fiber to help digestion.Low heat of Gracilaria lemaneiformis, suitable for diabetics to eat. Asparagus cold, cold stomach diarrhea relief are advised not to eat, after Hu and Jon FRY, you can reduce the asparagus from the cold.

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