Sunday 4 August 2013

What good are eating Bitter Melon ..!!

Bitter gourd in more common on our tables, a bitter taste of the bitter gourd,
What good are eating Bitter Melon
Bitter Melon
Why there are a lot of people like it?
Because the bitter gourd is a very beneficial health healthy vegetable,

So what are the effects of momordica charantia ? role of bitter gourd are as follows:

Scanty and dark urine GI pain:
Bitter gourd mash such as mud, add white sugar mix, juice squeeze in an hour, a one-time drinking.

200 g Balsam PEAR, pounded wring the juice cups, add white sugar 40 g, boiled water was made.

Chronic bronchitis:
500 g chopped bitter gourd, fried juice extracting water, boil 20 jujube, be jujube skin expanded out,
Residual liquid boiled cream, morning medication cream a spoonful.
What good are eating Bitter Melon
Bitter Melon

Heat rash:
Tender chopped bitter gourd, rub the affected area, 3 times per day.

Hot summer days Furuncle pain:
Bitter melon or bitter gourd leaves the right amount, pounded on the affected part, dressing change 3 times a day.
Bitter melon in the summer heat to escape the role well,
So bitter melon is not easy, but effects on health is still very large. Remember to eat breakfast! It's a new day full of vitality .

Monday 29 July 2013

14 Awareness of Anti-Cancer

"Daily life cancer 14"  Review: we should have the awareness of anti-cancer, before they happen ..!!

Which good life little habits that everyday life can contribute to maintenance of healthy physical condition and help anti-cancer? Scrub an organization under a person's skin, usually in a sleep state, when after rubbing the skin with a towel, irritation of the tissues and cells are living, into the circulation, and gradually evolved into mesh cells. Reticular cells with immune function.

Therefore, regular scrub can increase the immunity, can achieve the anti-cancer effect.

Windows that open ground and many building materials can release cancer-causing gas – radon and its progeny (radon decay), Windows that open to make the indoor air density minimizes this type of carcinogen in. Salivary peroxidase with the inhibition of carcinogenic substances in the saliva of special effects.

So they suggest "chewing a mouthful of food 31 times", to give full play  role of saliva, develop their health capacity. Positive stress, emotional repression, pessimistic, sad, serious inhibition of immune function, conducive to the emergence of cancer cells.

On the contrary, optimistic, cheerful that can show a great deal of cancer effects.

Tea-drinking tea can block carcinogens--nitrosamine synthesis in the body, but also inhibit nitrosamine carcinogenesis. Sleep cancer cells are abnormal cells during the cell division, cell division in humans during sleep.

Sound sleep, body friendly controls cell does not change. Quit smoking cigarettes and radioactive elements in many of the components can cause cancer.

Radioactive elements in combination with tobacco, and deposition in the lung, forming radioactive "hot spots", radioactive hot spots is the home of lung cancer.

According to modern medical experts study found pig blood, pig blood has anti-cancer effects, particularly for Leukemia patients, oral fresh pig's blood, can ease symptoms and improve.

Regular consumption of garlic fresh garlic, either blocking nitrosamine synthesis in the body and stimulate macrophages gobble up cancer cells of the human body.

Chlorophyll in vegetables, sodium salt is effective against a mutagen, have anti-cancer effects. Olive oil animal experiments have shown that olive oil prevents breast cancer alone.

Scientists believe that this may be less olive oil contains easy oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, but instead contain antioxidants, including vitamin b and other substances, so cancer. Eat some fat in the fat of total linoleic acid have anti-cancer effects.

Also eat more fat can not cholesterol in the blood is too low, enhancing the body's anticancer abilities. Diet rich in β-carotene carrot lower the chance of cancer in humans.

Experts noted that, if the usual intake of beta-carotene 6 mg a day, can play to protect the body, role of cancer prevention.
Changing eating habits about the study results show that cancer is a long-term reversible "works", not prone to changing eating habits can lead to carcinogenesis, the food should be varied.

 The content is for informational purposes only, such as the need to address specific issues, it is recommended that fans refer to professionals in the field.  ~ Health is in your hands you are welcome to share  ..!!

Asparagus : lower blood sugar

Asparagus : lower blood sugar


A 20 year after four days of eating in patients with diabetes that is effective  .

One diabetes who inadvertently found, Dragon be cuisine can reduced blood sugar, and informed also suffers from sugar urine of some friends this new found, and together tries to, by a dozen days of try eat and blood test, found results amazing to which one patients for cases, itself has suffer from sugar urine up 20 years of long, long-term drug control and can't ideal, even pills blood sugar also up to more than 300 more, but by 4 days are edible Gracilaria lemaneiformis Hou, blood test report pointed out that blood sugar only left 175

Asparagus was in good health .

Period: focused on 4 ∼ October, other months lessOrigin: mainly in Hualien County, Hualien city, rural areas, Jian Township, saysHow to eat: edible young shoots cooking Horticultural traits: Haito (chayote) about 15 young shoots of the plant stems and vines ∼ 20 per cent part in cool area in the summer production of edible part is longer, usually every 3 days (summer) ∼ 10 days (winter) harvest 1 time, harvest cut off after too long part. Asparagus is a good crop. Their tender part consumption, find delicious, taste better than fruits, which shoots partly shaped like a dragon.

Asparagus does not need to use pesticides to control pests and diseases, can feel at ease eating, and it contains very rich in chlorophyll, fiber is also high, consumption can aid digestion, conducive to good health. Stem and leaf of chayote is tender, asparagus vines shaped like a dragon is named, is an extremely easy to grow, life is very strong, and can survive in the harsh environment of the plant, is one of the few without pesticide cultivation of local vegetables. It is of Hakka cuisine, often sold on the market, is not really edible wild herbs.

Asparagus : lower blood sugar


Asparagus smell fragrant, crisp and delicate taste, quite special.

Asparagus stems and leaves are rich in vitamins a, B1, B2, folic acid and iron, calcium, heat, swelling, and the effect of beauty beauty, especially the Gracilaria lemaneiformis without using pesticides, that prospective mothers can eat green vegetables, folate and iron, contribute to the development of fetal nerve system, production, fit for human consumption. Asparagus taste Gan Han, non-toxic, effect of clearing heat and gas, Lee pee, rich in chlorophyll and fiber to help digestion.Low heat of Gracilaria lemaneiformis, suitable for diabetics to eat. Asparagus cold, cold stomach diarrhea relief are advised not to eat, after Hu and Jon FRY, you can reduce the asparagus from the cold.

Saturday 27 July 2013

Women how to prevent thyroid cancer ??

 Happiness health : Women how to prevent thyroid cancer ??

1, Its pleasant, prevents emotional internal injuries, are important aspects of prevention of this disease. 

2, Against water and soil factors, take good care of oneself diet, regular consumption of seaweed, clams, seaweed and the use of iodized salt.But the excessive iodine intake can be harmful, in fact, it may also be another predisposing factor for certain types of thyroid cancer.

3, Thyroid carcinoma after postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy, active use of drug prevention treatment and an effective method to improve the efficacy of Chinese and Western medicine.

4, X ray radiation of head and neck, try to avoid children.

5, And benign tumor of thyroid hyperplasia disease should be active, regular hospital treatment.

6, Thyroid cancer patients should eat nutritious food and fresh vegetables, avoid greasy, fragrance of dryness and spicy products.

7, Active exercise, improving resistance to disease. 8, avoid applying the female hormone, because it plays a catalytic role on the occurrence of thyroid cancer.

Friday 26 July 2013

Self health caring

Day of beauty care , health care in different populations coup With the improvement of people's living standard, people have begun to concern their own health. People have long understood health, there are also various health preserving method.
What about how should we conduct self-health care?
Health Caring

1, knocking teeth
Tooth to tooth tapping, or dental bites to prevent receding gums, periodontal disease and other dental problems; this law may also promote the cheek muscles, rolling the cheek to prevent sagging cheeks.

2, Swallow, Tianjin Closed mouth wash, and then swallowing saliva. Human saliva is not exposed to air oxidation, and not the smell, but there's a sweet taste.
Saliva contains digestive enzymes and nutrients in many, often swallow, Tianjin and helps digestion.

3, Turn neck, shrugs
Shoulder and neck spine and many leading to major blood vessels of the head, often turning the neck, shrugged, helping muscles enliven, occurs when the elderly cerebrovascular disease are significantly reduced.

4, Dry rubWith the Palm of the hand or wipe dry towel in the face, arm, bare, this method can also be used to clean, help skin table looping, skin moist.

5, Shoulder
Left hand nature dumps on the right shoulder, left shoulder alternating in his right hand, also available hand natural alternating legs.

6, Turning the waist
CIS-bent trend to the left of the right hand stretched on tiptoe, got up and, for the left hand to right toe stretch, rotate back.

7, Being laid
Relax after hands repeatedly, both upright or sitting position.

8, Step on toes
Right heel stepping on the left toe, left heel stepping on the right toe, alternating the number back.

9, Hair
All kinds of comb or fingers can be, under daily from combed dozens of hundreds, with massage scalp, efficacy of xingnao kaiqiao, on vision, hearing is also helpful.

10, Minggu
With hand squeezes the ears a few seconds, then quickly out, this method to vibration of the eardrum, mitigation of ear Wo degradation; during leisure can also be used to massage the ear, regardless of the rub, pick, playing a variety of methods are available, can immediately improve headaches, motion sickness, and many other discomfort, physical weakness used to massage the ear, can also prevent colds.

11, Rubbing eyes
Self of soft parts in hand, rubbing the eyes, around the eyes, promote eye blood for improving eyesight, NAO, as it stands, beauty.

12, Pinched nose,  Often uses both hands index finger rubbing nose on both sides of the fragrant cave, or rub on the nose pinching, can promote sensitive, reduces nasal allergies or respiratory infection.

Monday 13 May 2013

Thin proper way to sit and let you thin waist simple little trick ..!!

Thin proper way to sit and let you thin waist simple little trick

So is there a way to not spend a lot of time, but also easy to maintain a good body?
Of course there is! Now introduce a simple office sports:
1, sitting in a chair, his legs slowly lift up.
2, his hands gently on the lower abdomen, and slowly exhale, exhale at the same time gradually tighten the lower abdomen. Exhale slowly accelerated, is tightening the lower abdomen, shoulders stay relaxed. The belly has received the most degree of tight gas also spitted.
3, shoulder and lower abdomen relax, and slowly began to inhale. Try to inhale, do not deliberately lower abdomen contraction, in turn replaced by the downward pressure of the abdomen force.

The main purpose of this motion is in order to eliminate belly fat. However, there is an old saying: There are no ugly women, only lazy. Do two or three times we can not see what effect, at least persevere daily each morning and afternoon for two or three times, each time for at least an eight-shot for 3 months, will be able to see the effect.

Sweet potato oat milk

1.2 tablespoon of oats (16 g)
2. steamed small potato half (approximately 60 grams)
3. sugar-free soy milk 250 c.c.

4. hot water 100 c.c.

223 kcal/1 person

1. oatmeal: rich in dietary fiber, easily satisfied and prevent constipation.

2. sweet potato: skin problems, promote smoother.

3. milk: protecting cardiovascular health, help bowel movements can make the skin more smooth and delicate white Oh!

1. oatmeal with hot water until soft.

2. place oats, sweet potatoes, sugar-free soy milk into a blender, whipping uniform is complete.

1. sweet sweet potato itself, so there is no need to add sugar.

2. cold food and have a negative impact on health and weight, recommends soy milk, you fall a little ice to drink Oh!

3. the proportion of oats and potato can be adjusted, like thick texture can reduce the amount of milk or increase the amount of oats and sweet potatoes. 4. because you want to juice, it is recommended that the sweet potato peeled then steamed. If you want to eat directly, as long as the skin clean, even the eating is very healthy.

Ear fold heart symptoms are signs of coronary heart disease

"Ear fold heart symptoms are signs of coronary heart disease" Normal ear lobe generally is clean and smooth. If we look at some of the ear lobe in patients with coronary heart disease, can often find a slash or wrinkles.

To extend to the edge of the earlobe with a slash or wrinkles, deep and long, shallow and short, I named the wrinkles ear fold heart syndrome. Ear folds appear of people  to have diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia. If you master this feature, you can proactively identify diseases, increase the chance of rehabilitation.

Sunday 5 May 2013

You must know the LIVER 7 Big Bad Habits

7 Bad Habits which damages the LIVER

Liver is the largest organ of detoxification in the body, poisons, waste from the body, ate poison, drugs and so on are also detrimental to the liver must rely on detoxification of the liver. If your bad habits hurt your liver.

Liver will "strike", which makes you suffer from liver disease.

Liver bad habits 1: Excessive Drinking .

Today's society, almost became a major means of social drinking, whether it is for business or a gathering of friends, seemed less wine than a mood, or even how much drink was also commonly used to assess the depth of friendship, so you drink a Cup, had to fight a "drunk no rest".

Liver bad habit 2: Depressed all day, Love of the cross .

All persistent sadness and anxiety, enough to open the door to the disease. However, life will inevitably encounter frustration, dissatisfaction, resentment, injustice.
But although frustrated, but they must also be released.

A loud screaming at sea or unattended in the area, or listening to relaxing music to adjust the attitude.

Liver bad habit 3: The Pills Indiscriminately.

"The drug is three drug", take not only the kidney and liver. Nobody dare say that their life is never to take the medicine, from preventive care to cold, not sick to eat healthy food, sick pills to pharmacies the bustling crowd, Billboard special drugs, a busy drug sales ... ...

These are notes, drug flood every corner of our lives and our livers, is also suffering from this drug "suffering"!

Liver bad habit 4: Lack of Sleep.

Lack of sleep, apart from tiredness, and also easy to hurt hurt.
Today, the increasingly rich nightlife, especially in the cities, one or two o'clock in the morning, a variety of entertainment is still crowded; even if you don't go out to play, a lot of people at home Internet access, will also play at cards to forget bedtime.

These bad habits, I'm afraid too many people there.

Liver bad habit 5: Eating Greasy Foods .

Oil is indispensable for life; fat, is one of the essential nutrients.
Proper intake of fatty foods can supply our bodies with energy, maintaining normal physiological functions of the human body.
However, eating too much greasy food with high fat content is healthy eating taboo!
So you eat less fried foods and eating out!

Do some light food at home, "cheering up" her liver and stomach.

Liver bad habit 6: Love Snacks .

Rich night life, nature and ultimately, late night snack.
Especially in the cities, having a late night snack habit is widespread, from healthy sweet soup, to a completely unhealthy roadside stall to eat barbecue, seems to have become a feature of modern life.

However, having a late night snack, refreshing mouth hurt the liver!

Liver bad habit 7: Smoking .

"Smoking is hazardous to health",
Smoke damage lies first and foremost with tobacco smoke contains thousands of harmful substances, is drawn into the human body, have to varying degrees for a variety of internal organs including the liver damage is causing disease, one of the major risk factors for cancer. Therefore, to protect your liver, quit it!

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Eat Tomato after exercise .!!

Dear friends after exercise to eat tomatoes: tomatoes can help the body recover rapidly from fatigue after exercise, so eating tomatoes better after exercise.

If muscle aches and dizziness after exercise brain up, may wish to eat a tomato.
Tomatoes can help the body recover rapidly from fatigue after exercise. This is because the tomato lycopene in tomatoes of good health, such as chemicals, helps repair muscles and to restore blood sugar levels . 

Samsung Galaxy S4 Launched …!!

April 26, 2013. The much awaited Samsung flagship model has finally hit the market in India. The Samsung Galaxy S4 comes with INR 41,500.


General Features:
 Ø  2G Network :   GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
 Ø  3G Network :   HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100
 Ø  4G Network :   LTE (market dependent)
 Ø  SIM               :  Micro-SIM
 Ø  OS                 :  Android OS,v4 Jelly Bean
 Ø  CPU              :  Quad-core 1.6 GHz Cortex-A15
 Ø  GPS               :  Enabled, A-GPS support , GLONASS
 Ø  JAVA             :  Enabled,  Java MIDP emulator
 Ø  Colours         :  Black Mist ,White Frost
Memory : 
MicroSD, up to 64 GB
> 16/32/64 GB storage, 2 GB RAM

Camera & Sound:
 Ø  Primary 13 MP, 4128 x 3096 pixel,  LED Flash, Autofocus,
 Ø  Features : Dual Shot, Simultaneous HD video recording, Geo-tagging, Touch focus, smile,face detection, image stabilization, HDR
 Ø  Secondary :  2 MP camera,1080p@30fps,  video call
 Ø  Video : Yes, 1080p@30fps, dual-video rec
 Ø  3.5mm Jack Enabled 

Body & Display:
 Ø  Dimension : 136.6 x 69.8 x 7.9 mm (5.38 x 2.75 x 0.31 in)
 Ø  Weight            : 130 g (4.59 oz)
 Ø  Display Type: Super AMOLED capacitive Touchscreen, with R6m color display
 Ø  Size : 1080 x 1920 pixels, 5.0 inches (~441 ppi pixel density)
 Ø  Multi-touch: Yes
 Ø  Protection : Corning Gorilla Glass 3 - Touch Wiz UI

 Ø  GPRS Enabled
 Ø  EDGE Enabled
 Ø  Speed: HSDPA, 42.2 Mbps;
 Ø  WLAN: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, dual-band, , Wi-Fi hotspot,DLNA
 Ø  BLUETOOTH : Enabled, v4.0 with A2DP
 Ø  NFC& Infrared port : Enabled
 Ø  USB : MicroUSB v2.0 (MHL 2), USB On-the-go,

 Ø  Li-Ion 2600 mAh battery
 Ø  Stand-by          (2G) / Up to 370 h (3G)
 Ø  Talk time         (2G) / Up to 17 h (3G)
 Ø  Music play       Up to 62 h

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